Contact Center

Contact Center

A contact center caters to the growing importance of providing omnichannel customer support. Increasingly, consumers expect the businesses they patron to be present on several channels, and to offer consistent, qualified service on all of them.
Contact centers are also operated by outside companies, and are used to handle customer service but also to take on other activities such as telemarketing, debt collection, and billing services.
Contact centers have been supported by mathematical models such as queuing theory and operations research, which consider them to be a way to solve a wide variety of optimization problems.

What does Contact Center do?


Contact Center UC Connect 1

Contact center consist of:

IVR (Interactive Voice Response)

Corporate News announcement or music on hold during call waiting can be designed as needed. transferring calls to extension numbers for staff to answer Each Menu can be set according to the time period, such as working hours, outside business hours, holidays, etc., in order to publicize to customers and recommend about using the service. Able to interact with the caller in the selected language such as English, Thai etc.


Program for calling to communicate via internet (VoIP) for PC, Notebook or mobile phone.

Knowledge Base Management

The organization's data collection system, such as product data, services data, organization information, image files, to enable service personnel to find and access information conveniently, quickly, and accurately.

Incidents Management Module

Service for case receiving, a complaint trace, the problem status in order to help resolve a problem quickly and efficiently for customers.

Dashboard Management Module

Displaying number of incoming calls in real time as well as status of staff (Available, Busy, Suspended, and Internal Suspended). You can choose to a display appearance as bar graph, line graph or pie chart.

Popup Customer Information

Retrieving customer details from incoming customer numbers based on information from the system database which customer detail will pop up when customer the call in.

Survey System

Survey system for monitoring customer satisfaction through the IVR automatically. Customers can answer the questionnaire by pressing the number on their phone keypad.

Contact Center Reports

Contact Center Reports, divided into real time report showing the status of service personnel such as login / logout / lunch break, queue, and historical report showing incoming and outgoing numbers, missed calls. Customer can choose to display daily, weekly, monthly.

Abandon Call Tracker

Abandon Call Tracking when the customer hangs up before having a conversation. The system will record incoming call number and notify staff to call back including showing results in the form of reports.

Call Back System

In the event that the line is too busy, customers can choose whether to wait or leave a phone number for staff to contact back later.

Sound recording system is able to record both incoming call and outgoing call, sometimes done with encryption to prevent unauthorized use of data.

Sound recording system is able to record both incoming call and outgoing call, sometimes done with encryption to prevent unauthorized use of data.

VIP Queue Module

The system checks the incoming phone number from the recorded database to call the VIP customer in first queue.

Voicemail Module

In the event that the staff cannot answers the call, it will be transferred to the voicemail system automatically by specifying the destination such as E-mail both by user and by group. The system can also send that voicemail to the administrator's email.

The new contact center is not just a voice service. There is also an Omni Chanel with various channels to support, such as Website, Social Media or even Chat on Line, Facebook which is also quoted as the main channel of communication. This connection will make the organization readily available for every communication, regardless of which channel the customer contacted. The organization will know immediately and make the response to the conversation as fast and efficient as possible.

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